Saturday 31 December 2011


I am Mr manhattan pierson, the chief operating officer with my bank and I want to inform you that an amount of US$10.5 million will be moved on your name as the Foreign Business Partner to our late deceased customer. I need your help to receive this money as we shall share the money in the ratio of 50:50%. You will receive this amount through a bank wire transfer.

Please send your full names, direct telephone numbers, and physical address,
more details will be given upon your reply.

Your quick response will be highly appreciated.

Yours sincerely,

manhattan pierson(esq.).

Sunday 27 November 2011

Grab Your opportunity For Our Mutual Benefit!

Grab Your opportunity For Our Mutual Benefit!

Attn: Sir/ Madam,

This message might meet you in utmost surprise. However, it all just my urgent need for a foreign partner that made me to contact you for this transaction. I got your contact from yahoo tourist search while I was searching for a foreign partner.

I assured of your capability and reliability to champion this business opportunity when I prayed to God or Allah about you. I am a banker by profession in BURKINA-FASO, WEST AFRICA and currently holding the post of assistant foreign remittance director in our bank. I have the opportunity of transferring the left over funds (USD 14.5M) of one of my bank clients who died along with his entire family on "25th December 2003"in a plane crash.

Hence; I am inviting you for a business deal where this money can be shared between us in the ratio of 60/40 if you agree to my business proposal. Further details of the transfer will be forwarded to you as soon as I receive your return mail immediately you receive this letter.

Please indicate your willingness by sending the below information for more clarification and easy communication.

Trusting to hear from you immediately.
Thanks & Best Regards,
Alex Nkemjika.
NB: The fund is free from drug and laundering related offences.

Thursday 17 November 2011


Dear Friend,

I am Dr.Abu Ali Independent Non-executive Director of Misrata People's jamariya Bank, Libya. I have a transaction of $17,500,000m to bring to your
Attention if only you would be interested and willing to assist me move the fund to your destination,

Note / Every Financial institution's have been paralysed in the country at the moment but I have a way of moving the fund out of Libya if you indicate your full interest.

Contact me for more details. $17.5m.
If you are willing to partake in the process please send me the information's below
1. NAME IN FULL:................................
2. ADDRESS:.......................................
3. NATIONALITY:...................................
4. AGE:.............................................
5. SEX..............................................
6. OCCUPATION:......................................
7. MARITAL STATUS:..................................
8. PHONE............................................
9. FAX:.............................................
Yours Sincerely
Dr.Abu Ali

Monday 24 October 2011

CE Reflection - Lim Hongde Darryl (17)

This service learning experience has been a fulfilling one for me. It has taught me to look beyond the small sphere of myself and the people I am in immediate contact with, to that of the greater one of the community. The whole experience has taught me that, to a certain extent, each member of society does depend on the community for support. Evidently, each and every one of my actions can positively contribute to the community and those around me. At the same time, I have learnt that even the simplest of gestures could bring joy to the lives of others, and a small action is not to be underestimated.

I have realised that the elderly occupants of Zion's Home for the Aged simply want a listening ear and some entertainment, with a more energetic atmosphere which can be provided for in the form of performances and games. This is an example of what I feel that we, as members of the community, should readily provide, as the only significant cost imposed upon us is that of our time.  I am truly fortunate for being able to have the privilege of my family's emotional support, unlike some of the elderly occupants.

My best experience was that of the playing of the game "Bingo", which incidentally took place on my first visit. As I watched the elderly occupants light up enthusiastically while we started playing the game, I saw how it is truly the little things and gestures in life that can unexpectedly have the greatest impacts. Heart-warming it was to see my classmates enjoying themselves along with the appreciative elderly. On the other hand, I also realised that some of the elderly may get moody and unpredictable at times, and also possess a different mindset from our generation, so we would have to be more understanding towards them and be inclined to give in more easily.

My involvement in the community in my college and adult years is a definite one. This experience has been a truly meaningful one as I saw my actions directly impact the lives of the elderly occupants positively. I hope to see this result again in my future involvements, whatever they are. An act of service, in the Maslow's hierarchy of needs, a psychological theory, falls under self-actualisation which is the highest level of the hierarchy. This does indeed show that an act of service helps us realise our full potential and also as a form of self-fulfilment, while most importantly contributing to the community at large. Perhaps, when I am older, I could embark on more ambitious efforts with like-minded people, with possibly more funding. An act of service to the community, by my definition, is a joy rather than an enforced action.

Do unto others, as you would others do unto you.


Monday 3 October 2011

Chester 3B (32)

--How has the service-learning experience changed my thinking, attitudes, and actions towards others, myself and the community?
It made me see that there are more people in need than i expected. Now, I feel that I cant do much in helping them but I can at least try by visiting them maybe do a little cleaning for them now and then.
--What stands out as the best or worst thing that happened to you in your service learning experience? What did you learn from these experiences?
 I learnt that it does not take much to help these people as all we need is time. Sometimes, all they want is other people to talk to them. Also, I learnt that we can help by just being a part-time volunteer in the future. If we are successful in the future, we can donate money to improve or buy more essential items for them.
--Do you see yourself staying involved in the community during your college and adult years? Why or why not?
I do not think that this would not be my last time in doing these projects. As i look at the times I spent at the old folks home, I feel that I can do more to help them.

Thursday 29 September 2011

FW: 3B Soo Wen Wei (31)

Subject: 3B Soo Wen Wei (31)
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2011 10:48:00 +0800

This service learning make me a better person because after realising that there are many elderly in Singapore that need care and love, I am grateful to my family for that love and concern. What these elderly want are care, not money. A little time spent with them make me realise that they are content with just spending quality time with someone who are willing to talk to them. Their smile & their wisdom change the way I view life, make me content with what I have.
Most of the time in the old folk's home, I will play Chinese Musical Instrument to entertain them. Even when i play wrongly, which i regretted greatly for not practicing more beforehand, their smiles encourage to me carry on, to make them happier.
If I have the time in the future, I will definitely volunteer myself for this work. It is very beneficial as it allows us to understand & be more grateful with our lives. Not only does this make the elderly happy, it teaches youth valuable lessons they can never learn in the school. :D

Tuesday 27 September 2011

3B Marcus Ng (20)

Our class visited Zion's Home for the Aged for our service learning project.During my three visits to the home, i have learned many new things such as cleaning the toilet. The most difficult part during my three visits were the performance we had to do in order to keep the elderlys entertained.This was a very good experinece for me because apart from learning new things, i have also learn that the elderly can be very friendly too if we are nice to them. At the end of day, i felt very pleased with myself as i knew that i have done my part for the community.

3B Hugo Wong (35)

This service learning experience has been very enriching for me. It was very enjoyable interacting with the elderly at the Zion Home for the Aged. When I was there, we performed for them. A few of our classmates played musical instruments like the guitar, while we sang along to the songs. I liked this experience and I think I will volunteer at other old folks homes in the future.

Nicholas Teo (33) Class 3B

This service learning experience has been truly enlightening and refreshing for me. The numerous visits have awoken in me a never before felt energy for helping those in need in the world. As the experience has certainly revealed, the Service Learning project emphasises on personal growth, rendering willing aid to the needy, while enjoying the experience at the same time. While helping the elderly in Zion Home For The Aged, I have encountered numerous wonderful elderly women, who, although may be rather silent at times, are truly grateful for our time, and show their gratitude by participating actively in the numerous activities that the class and our form teacher have organised for them. I was truly impressed by the way things are conducted in the home, with schedules and order in the home for the aged. In the experience, I have also learnt to be more open-minded and to appreciate the life that has been granted to us all. For it is a hard and cold fact that most of us take life for granted, believing that nothing would happen to us on a calamitous scale, and enjoying life nonchalantly without giving a thought for the needy.Many of us have never experienced the things that the elderly in Zion Home have experienced, and the hardships that they would have gone through. As global-minded citizens, we should always spare a willing thought for the needy, and consider the fact that no matter their standing, status, race, religion, etc., we are all equal and deserve equal opportunities to enjoy life and live a meaningful life. In order to do so, help must always be rendered all the time to those whom we see to be in need, and we should willingly take up opportunities to volunteer and make good use of the free time that we have. Life is not always about whiling our time away doing enjoyable yet pointless activities that are meant to entertain on a personal level. We must consider things on a more social level where we include others in our range of helpful views. 

The best thing I have experienced is the crafting of origami cranes together with the elderly in Zion Home. I had never folded cranes as origami before. It was truly a challenge to learn the numerous steps to fold the cranes, and it took time, effort, patience and of course a little skill to even know how to fold the cranes before even teaching the elderly to fold the cranes themselves. When I finally managed to teach the elderly woman whom I was partnered to for the day how to craft the cranes (with the aid of other helpful classmates!), I felt a sense of achievement and gratification, for I knew that no matter how small, trivial or tiny the task, it would have given the elderly a more enjoyable time to learn some craftwork and ensure that they could retain their mental clarity in a meaningful and fun way. 

Within the next few years, it is my goal to be able to volunteer on a regular basis at some orphanages or other societies in Singapore, for I believe that it will be extremely meaningful and would further expand my viewpoints and improve the attitude i have of life and the way I perceive the world. I have always kept an open mind of the world for the past 2 years, and will certainly continue to do so throughout my life in the my goal to achieve a more enjoyable, full and vibrant community and society for the needy and for the world citizens. When I do have the funds and time, I would expand my volunteerism to overseas nations in order to widen the circle of people whom I could render help to. It is only when we can help and aid those in need we see willingly and with a full heart to achieve world peace, then we would have achieved true humanity. 

Assistance is rendered, not sought after.

3B ho zong sien (11)

As i stepped into the home for the aged, i sea the sad faces on the elderly light up. they seem to be happy to see us coming to visit them. Most probably they recalled about their own children. After doind this cip, i realised that there are much more unfortunate people outside in the world. not everyone has the luxury of living well with thier families. For example those elderlys were most probably left behind by their children or do not even have any. since then, i have learnt to cherish my loved ones especially my family members and also my friends. Emotional support is also important. those elders only have each other to count on and most probably moody all the time as they miss their family. I doubt i would be able to survive without the support of my beloved family and of cause friends. During the sing along session, it was very fun. the songs liven up the atmosphere and made the elders happy. the smiles on their faces made me happy too. Most importantly, i would continue doing this kind of community service so as to help the needy more.

3B Pang Lu Bin (26)

 It is heart-rending to see that there are people that still care for the elderly in Singapore. In this society that money is priority for most people, it is of utmost importance that we dont leave behind the elderly, because they are the pioneers and forefathers of singapore. During the frequent trips to Zion home i will never forget the smiles on the old folks home as we carried out various activities wthe them. i have learnt to appreciate the elderly. They have plenty of experiences from their life and we can learn from this experiences. i see myself taking part in community services in the future as i think that by helping out other people, i feel happy.

Poh Cai Min(27)

I feel that this Service Learning project is both fun and enjoyable. Not only was I able to see how the situation is like in an old folks home, I was also able to have a great time interacting with the aged. This project has made me realise how fortunate I am. When we went there, we put up many different performances and tried our hardest to provide an interesting time for them. One of the most memorable experience I had there was during my last visit. Though only 3 people turned up for the service learning trip on that day, we were still filled with enthusiasm. We cleaned chairs, we cleaned windows and we even took the blood pressure of some of the aged people there. A great feeling of joy rushed through me when i saw their joyous expressions.
After this enriching experience, I now see community service as a form of commitment and not a form of punishment. I would also love to do more for these aged folks when i get the chance to in future. Overall, it was an AWESOME experience.<(^o^<)(>^o^)>

3B Aaron Ong (25)

This service learning experience has made me realise how fortunate I am. It was a great feeling to be able to perform and help them. Seeing the smile on their faces after performing and chatting with them really touched my heart. This experience has changed my mindset as I am more caring towards the elderly, after learning how pitiful they are. I am content that we managed to entertain them even though we visited them for only a few hours.

The best thing that happened was seeing their joyous expression after our performances and after they managed to fold a paper crane. It touched my heart as these are the small things that make them happy. It was also nice to see my friends in a different way as I saw their care and concern for the elderly.

This experience will definitely not be my last. I see myself helping the community, be it the elderly or the less privileged. I now know how fortunate I am, and we should all give back to the community. Seeing the smile on their faces is certainly worth it and rewarding.

Jonathan Reflection


Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2011 10:39:16 +0800

Prior to the visit, I was nervous of course. It being the first time I ever went to an Old Folks, I was not sure what to expect. A large part of my anxiety came from thinking about how to communicate with the old folks. Language was definitely one issue, especially since quite a number of the elderly spoke in their dialects. Another issue that loomed large on my mind was the contrast in mindsets we would have to deal with. We were after all generations apart, and common topics were not easy to be found. I hoped that our visit would not just be a superficial one, where we simply went there to go through the motions, for the sake of CIP hours. After all, if you were there already, why not give it your best shot? All in all, I was not in a very positive frame of mind, and I hoped that things would turn out fine. however i was proven wrong. it was indeed fufilling and made me reaslise how we should care for the old folks as singapore heads towards an inavitable aging population.

3B Mervin Wee (21)

I found this rather interesting. One of my classmates, Mohamed Niyaz, has showed me what compassion and kindness truly means. this photo might not say much, but i was there when this photo was taken. Niyaz showed all his heart into taking care of this elderly woman. i am very touched by this and have learnt the true deep meaning of kindness, and will be compassionate to people who need help from now on.


I feel that this Service Learning project is both fun and enjoyable. Not only was I able to see how the situation is like in an old folks home, I was also able to have a great time interacting with the aged. This project has made me realise how fortunate I am. When we went there, we put up many different performances and tried our hardest to provide an interesting time for them. One of the most memorable experience I had there was during my last visit. Though only 3 people turned up for the service learning trip on that day, we were still filled with enthusiasm. We cleaned chairs, we cleaned windows and we even took the blood pressure of some of the aged people there. A great feeling of joy rushed through me when i saw their joyous expressions.
After this enriching experience, I now see community service as a form of commitment and not a form of punishment. I would also love to do more for these aged folks when i get the chance to in future. Overall, it was an AWESOME experience.<(^o^<)(>^o^)>

Fwd: CE reflection

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: ryuju osamura <>
Date: Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 10:40 AM
Subject: CE reflection

The CE was a great experience for me. I feel that we have contributed to them as much as we could. This is beacuse we have cleaned up the Zion's Home for the elders so that the elderly can stay in a more clean and comfortable environment. We also sang songs for them so as to entertain them. We also played bingo so that they would have some fun.
In the future I will continue to help these elderly so that they can remain fit and healthy. It was fun and one of the most memorable experience for me and I look forward to help them in the future.
Ryuju Osamura 3B (29)

CE reflection

The CE was a great experience for me. I feel that we have contributed to them as much as we could. This is beacuse we have cleaned up the Zion's Home for the elders so that the elderly can stay in a more clean and comfortable environment. We also sang songs for them so as to entertain them. We also played bingo so that they would have some fun.
In the future I will continue to help these elderly so that they can remain fit and healthy. It was fun and one of the most memorable experience for me and I look forward to help them in the future.
Prior to the visit, I was nervous of course. It being the first time I ever went to an Old Folks, I was not sure what to expect. A large part of my anxiety came from thinking about how to communicate with the old folks. Language was definitely one issue, especially since quite a number of the elderly spoke in their dialects. Another issue that loomed large on my mind was the contrast in mindsets we would have to deal with. We were after all generations apart, and common topics were not easy to be found. I hoped that our visit would not just be a superficial one, where we simply went there to go through the motions, for the sake of CIP hours. After all, if you were there already, why not give it your best shot? All in all, I was not in a very positive frame of mind, and I hoped that things would turn out fine. however i was proven wrong. it was indeed fufilling and made me reaslise how we should care for the old folks as singapore heads towards an inavitable aging population.

FW: 3B parry wong (34)

We should value all ages in our communities, from the very young to the very old. Developing stronger connections between these older adults and their community can have tremendous benefits for young and old. Even older adults with serious memory loss or cognitive limitations can still enjoy a visit, even if they don't remember it later. students learn how to interact with people different than themselves and they learn responsibility � because the older people depend on them. For the past few months, we have been visiting Zion old folks home and I will never forget the great times we had spent there.
there is a Chinese saying 'treat elderly as if they are your grandparents and treat children as if they are your child' after visiting the old folks home, I truly understand the meaning of this saying. despite our difference in terms of conversation topics, we managed to find a common space in between our generation and our bonding starts from there. after a few visits, I began to take this trip as a chance to learn more about the society instead of just another service learning trip. it is through these trips where I can better understand about the elderly backgrounds and their wish and dreams that are yet to be accomplished.
although the visits has come to a stop, but I'll never forget the smile on their faces when we entertained them and I hope that this smile will never fade from our memories :D:D

FW: 3B Edward Lim (18)

After going through the few months of service learning with the elderly, I have learnt how to appreciate what we have. I have also realised that life is short and we should take care and appreciate our grandparents and the elderly, before they pass away. By the time we learn to appreciate the elderly, it might already be too late.



Throughout the service learning process, the best experience that I had was the fact that we brought joy and some liveliness to the eldeerly home. The part that really touched my heart was to see the wide smiles and laughter that the elderly experienced during our visit. The worst part was probably the fact that some of the elderly did not really enjoy the activities that we set for them and that some of them were restless, despite our performance and activities.



I learnt that a little thing ,such as a frog, or helping others, can go a really long way. Knowing that there are much more people out in the world who are less fortunate and needs help, I will definitely continue to stay involved in the community during my college and adult years.

CE Project- Jeremy Lim (12)

Over the last few months, the Old Folks Home Service Learning that was conducted was an eye-opening journey for me. Through this visits, I have learned many things about life. This Service learning trip has taught me to appreciate the elderly, regardless of their age. It also led me to realise the fact that there are some people who do not take good care of the elderly, causing them to end up at old folks' home. It also helped me develop a sense of gratitude towards people who voluntarily devote their life to taking care of these elderly people.

The best experience that happened during the service learning was to be able to see the elderly smiling and enjoying some the activities that our class came up with. Regardless of how small or how large the help that we offered to the elderly, they were happy and grateful of our presence. I was disappointed of not being able to converse with the old folks' due to the language barrier. This caused me to have an inability of conversing with them.

I would certainly be willing to do voluntary work at old folks' home when i grow up. This service learning trips have been something new which showed me the joy of seeing the smile on people's face when u help them in need.

Class 3B La Wunn Htet Aung (14)

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: La Wunn Aung <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Tuesday, 27 September 2011 11:54 PM
Subject: CE reflection

This service-learning had indeed been an enriching and an eye-opening experience for me. After visiting the Zion Home for the Aged, i realise that those elderlies live such a lonely and solemn life there, with no one else but just a few others to talk to and  interact with. With not much activities to do there, except for just watching TV and maye singing karoke, they live and go though a boring daily routine. Just looking at their faces makes my heart sink, and cant help but feel rather angry towards their children. I understand that it is perhaps due to certain conditions their children are in that they are forced to send their parents to the old folks home. However, i hope that their children can understand that after all, it is their parents. They were the ones who have raised them from young to what they are now, and that no matter how hard things can be, it is their responsibilty to look after their parents.
Nevertheless, I am indeed glad to be able to have this wonderful opportunity to bring back smiles onto their faces, although their wound in their heart still cannot be healed. Of the three visits that i made to the Zion Home for the Aged, the most memorable one was when we came togther as a class and peformed some songs, modern songs to be specific. The performance indeed sparked much interest in them, and they were all smiling jubilantly and clapping their hands throughout the performance, and some were even trying to sing along with us! From their smile, i could tell that they were missing those times  this kind of happy life that they had when they were with their family.
Keeping in mind that every little help goes a long way, it would be my utmost happiness to contribute to the community in future, no matter how old i am, for i know that there are many others out there who are not as fortunate as us. Just being able to help brings joy that are beyond words to describe to both the community and myself. 

CE reflection

This service-learning had indeed been an enriching and an eye-opening experience for me. After visiting the Zion Home for the Aged, i realise that those elderlies live such a lonely and solemn life there, with no one else but just a few others to talk to and  interact with. With not much activities to do there, except for just watching TV and maye singing karoke, they live and go though a boring daily routine. Just looking at their faces makes my heart sink, and cant help but feel rather angry towards their children. I understand that it is perhaps due to certain conditions their children are in that they are forced to send their parents to the old folks home. However, i hope that their children can understand that after all, it is their parents. They were the ones who have raised them from young to what they are now, and that no matter how hard things can be, it is their responsibilty to look after their parents.
Nevertheless, I am indeed glad to be able to have this wonderful opportunity to bring back smiles onto their faces, although their wound in their heart still cannot be healed. Of the three visits that i made to the Zion Home for the Aged, the most memorable one was when we came togther as a class and peformed some songs, modern songs to be specific. The performance indeed sparked much interest in them, and they were all smiling jubilantly and clapping their hands throughout the performance, and some were even trying to sing along with us! From their smile, i could tell that they were missing those times  this kind of happy life that they had when they were with their family.
Keeping in mind that every little help goes a long way, it would be my utmost happiness to contribute to the community in future, no matter how old i am, for i know that there are many others out there who are not as fortunate as us. Just being able to help brings joy that are beyond words to describe to both the community and myself. 

3B Ernest Tock Jia En (5)

As i stepped into the ZION Home for the Aged, an influx of emotions flooded my mind, as my eyes met with those elderly who carried an aura of disquietude and forlornness. I had donned a sangfroid attitude at the beginning, where i tried to suppress my emotions and feelings for the aged. The first time as I stepped into the old folks home was a fresh one. Before this, i had never seen a old folks home other than those on the media. Our kind form teacher Mdm Esther Teo had taken the initiative to provide some paper arrangement games and puzzle activities for them. Though i felt that the idea was ridiculous in the first place, i soon came to realization that these elderly had lost a major trait in their lives ; self-esteem. after being berated by their children at home and later thrown out of their house, these helpless parents felt that they were useless and inferior to current generation. this struck me, as i pondered what has society done to cause children to act so cruelly to their own parents. Was it the competitive society, or did the problem lie in the up bring of the children?That day, after the grueling yet fruitful 4 hours at the home, i was glad i could improve the spirit of people.  The best part of my entire 3 visits to the home was the part where we got to sing our favorite songs to the elderly as it felt great to see the exuberant smiles on their faces. There was no bad aspect of this exposure rich experience. however, during the "wushu" demonstration as a class, i felt guilty for not knowing the moves and being unable to palliate the pressure  that was on the two wushu members in our class. in the future, i believe there would be more opportunities for such acts of altruism to be done, and i will not let go of single opportunity
shapescollage.gif:P tongue

3B Samuel Tan (30)

After visiting the old folks home, i realise that we are very fortunate. Even thought Singapore maybe a first world country, there are still many people in need of money,care and support. I feel quite sad as I am not able to fully help them, I can only do simple things for them like perform for them. It is  a different experience between seeing the old folks and being there to help them. Sometimes we do not appreciate our grandparents, we may find that there are very troublesome but when we realise that they are actually very caring for us, it might be too late.

Through the service learning, I enjoyed performing taiji for the old folks. Even they are not able to follow or learn, I am still glad that it placed a smile on their faces. The worst experience was probably when I was about to leave the home. I could see the sadness in their eyes even though they didn't say or express it. I learnt that we should treasure our loved ones when we still have the chance.

I will try to do community work whenever I can. There are many other more unfortunate people in the world, I will want to do something for them.

3B Mohamed Niyaz(22)

Over the last few months, the Service Learning that was conducted at the Zion Old Folk's Home hast been an eye-opening journey for me. Through this visits, I have picked up many learning points, about life. This Service learning trip has taught me to appreciate the elderly, no matter how old that they can be. It also led me to realise the fact that there are some people who do not take good care of the elderly, be it their grandparents or even their parents, causing them to end up at old folks' home. It also helped me develop a sense of gratitude towards people who voluntarily devote their life to taking care of these 'abandoned' elderly people.

The best experience that happened during the service learning was to be able to see the elderly smiling and enjoying some the activities that our class came up with. Regardless of how small or how large the help that we offered to the elderly, they were happy and grateful of our presence. I was disappointed of not being able to converse with the old folks' due to the language barrier. This caused me to have an inability of conversing with them.

During my college or adult years, i would certainly be willing to do voluntary work at old folks' home. This service learning trips have been an eye-opener which showed me the joy of being helping people in need.